A Teenage Carol Part Two - The Ghost of Teenage Past
Part two of the story “A Teenage Carol”, where Eben gets brought back to events in his past to see how it affected the way he thought of himself - whether he remembered the event or not. Ben Pugh joins us today to discuss how events in our past can consciously or subconsciously cause shifts in the way we think of ourselves years down the road. Sometimes these events are much more insignificant than we remember because the way we interpreted at the time caused us to blow it out of proportion in our heads - something that sticks to us, sometimes our entire life. Joey Mascio - Firmly Founded Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | tiktok Ben Pugh - website | facebook | podcastPart two of the story “A Teenage Carol”, where Eben gets brought back to events in his past to see how it affected the way he thought of himself - whether he remembered the event or not.
Ben Pugh joins us today to discuss how events in our past can consciously or subconsciously cause shifts in the way we think of ourselves years down the road. Sometimes these events are much more insignificant than we remember because the way we interpreted at the time caused us to blow it out of proportion in our heads - something that sticks to us, sometimes our entire life. Joey Mascio - Firmly Founded Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | tiktok