All Episodes
Take Your Medicine!
Season 6 Begins!!Struggling to get your tween or teen to do the hard things in life—like homework, chores, or even just stepping out of their comfort zone? In this epi...
The Great Untruths Part 3: Us vs Them
In the final episode of this series, Joey Mascio breaks down the third Great Untruth from The Coddling of the American Mind: “Life is a battle between good people and ...
The Great Untruths Part 2: Always Trust Your Feelings
In this second episode of the Great Untruths series, Joey Mascio explores the dangers of always trusting your feelings. Using the metaphor of the elephant (emotions) a...
The Great Untruths Part 1: What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Weaker
In this first episode of a three-part series, Joey Mascio tackles the first Great Untruth from The Coddling of the American Mind: “What doesn’t kill you makes you weak...
Finding Your True Self: Discovering Your Mission and Values
Have you ever wondered who you truly are? In this episode, Joey Mascio dives into how to uncover your values, discover your mission, and become the "most accurate" ver...
Oops, I Failed! Learning to Bounce Back
In this episode, Joey Mascio dives into the truth about failure: it’s simply when reality doesn’t match our expectations. Learn why failure feels personal and how not ...
Change Happens: How to Master the Unexpected
Change is a constant part of life, especially for teens. Whether it’s something small like a schedule change or something huge like moving to a new school or dealing w...
Jealous Much?
Ever feel like someone else always gets the cool stuff, and you’re left behind? In this episode of Secrets for an Awesome Life, we’re talking jealousy—what causes it, ...
Becoming a True Warrior with Jason Mow
Imagine losing everything–job, family, money, home, even your ability to walk... could you go on? Jason Mow did. That kind of resilience is something Jason calls being...
Boosting Your Mood on Rainy Days
Feeling down because of gloomy weather? In this episode, I’ll break down the science behind why rainy days mess with our moods and, more importantly, how you can turn ...
Finding Truth in Cliches
Your parents, teachers, and other adults will often give you advice that is sooooo cliché! But, it's also kinda true. Being able to find the truth in even the most cli...
Want and Ought with Nicholeen Peck
Special guest Nicholeen Peck talks to teens about how life is about more than just what we want. We gotta throw in what we ought in there as well. If not, we are likel...
Cell Phones and our Brains
Cell phones are starting to be banned in schools across the country. Teens are revolting! But, having a cell phone with you while you're trying to learn is kinda like ...
Knowing Who You Are with Katie Shields
Not knowing who you are can cause a teen to feel lost, confused, and unmotivated. But, a simple separation of your core qualities from your character can help teens re...
Keep the Drama on the Stage
A teen's life does NOT need to be full of drama. Drama is conflict and the bulk of it comes from or is magnified by our minds. As much as movies, music, and tv shows g...
Don't Fear Back to School
Many tweens and teens are afraid of going back to school for lots of reasons: social pressure, boring classes, hard work, awkward moments. But these things shouldn't b...
Embarrassment, Shame, and Making Mistakes
We all make mistakes. We all feel embarrassed. But, turning that embarrassment into shame is something that none of us has to do. Today, I talk to tweens and teens abo...
Pumping Yourself Up with Lindsay Law
Before a performance, or taking a test, or talking to someone new, you can pump yourself up using awesome strategies called visualization and embodiment. I talk with t...
Speak Clearly
Things are easier when you clearly communicate what you want from your parents, siblings, and friends. But teens often fall into the trap of "dropping hints" and hopin...
Nothing Comes without Hard Work
There will be plenty of people out there willing to tell you how you can make lots of money without doing any work. Those people are liars and are trying to take your ...
Money Tips for Teens
In today's episode, discover the top tips from Robert Kiyosaki's "Rich Dad Poor Dad" that teens need for lifelong financial stability. Learn the difference between an ...
Ending the School Year Strong
The end of the school year is tough for teens. Making up missing assignments, taking finals, and all the emotions that come from closing a chapter of your life. It can...
Soaking Up Other People's Emotions with Marv Curtis
Highly sensitive teens soak up other people's emotions, sometimes without meaning to. But what do you do with those "borrowed" feelings? I talk with Marv Curtis, a tra...
A Smartphone Driver's License??
The data is coming in and smartphones are arguably just as dangerous as driving a car, though the dangers may be different. So, why aren't there more underaged regulat...
Stop Procrastination in 3, 2, 1...
Sometimes, just starting the thing we need to do is the hardest part of doing it. Actually doing it usually isn't even that bad! Today, I teach tweens and teens how to...
Confident Body Language
A teen's body language communicates SO MUCH. There are ways teens can stand, sit, and walk that will not only create confidence within yourself, but also signal to oth...
"People Will Think I'm Weird!"
The biggest fear of any tween or teen is people thinking they are weird. They'd almost rather die. "Weird" people don't make friends, right? But people thinking they a...
Emotion Monsters (Encore)
Emotions can seem scary, especially for teens. Most of us treat our emotions like a monster from a horror movie. We are afraid of them because we don't know what they ...