Face Your Fears

Face Your Fears


Have you ever broken an arm trying something new? Yeah? Well that ain't NOTHING compared to my guest's story today. Hers is at least TWICE as bad as your story. Erica Rood, Life Coach for teen girls, allows me to fictionalize her crazy story and we talk about not letting fear stop you from trying something a second time, whether it's public speaking, dating, or anything else that broke you the first time you tried it.

Have you ever broken an arm trying something new? Yeah? Well that ain't NOTHING compared to my guest's story today. Hers is at least TWICE as bad as your story.

Erica Rood, Life Coach for teen girls, allows me to fictionalize her crazy story and we talk about not letting fear stop you from trying something a second time, whether it's public speaking, dating, or anything else that broke you the first time you tried it.